Wednesday, July 28, 2010

28 Jul 2010

Lynne had an extra hour of physical therapy added today for a total of six hours. I don't every remember her wanting to get to bed so desperately to get some rest. I hope she isn't get the surprise bug that started with Joshua on Sunday, me on Monday, and Jessica on Tuesday. We were all together over the weekend. That is the last thing she needs right now.

I did get to meet with a speech therapist for the first time today at this facility. She is encouraged by Lynne's progress. The therapist believes Lynne understands most of what she hears and recognizes objects that she sees but the connections between the brain and nerves are struggling to control the mouth. (I actually have observed this in many people but they do not have the excuse that Lynne has.) I am encouraged with the progress and understand that the recovery may be somewhat lengthy. The therapist mentioned that her mother was also diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Her mother passed away from a combination of issues but did do very well for a time.

The therapists scheduled a two hour rehab refresher course for amateurs that Jessica and me attend on Friday. We do pretty well from our on-the-job training over the last three years but I am always interested to see and hear the tips that the experts have up their sleeves. The whole process is actually quite fascinating. I am impressed by the human body's ability to adjust to challenges such as what Lynne is experiencing.

Lynne is still on track for a Saturday release. She hasn't said yet, but I can only imagine how she looks forward to the comforts of home and familiar surroundings. I know that our pets, Hendrick, Simba, and Gigi, will be glad to have Lynne home. They have not been the slightest bit pleased with Lynne's absence as you can imagine from this photograph of Hendrick.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Anonymous said...

Here's looking at you!

SandyP said...

I am thrilled that Lynne will be going home on Saturday. We are praying for all of you.

Dorisey Reed said...

GREAT NEWS!!!you are on our prayer board at church...have been for some,Sister