Saturday, July 31, 2010

31 Jul 2010

Lynne is finally back home. I arrived at the hospital this morning at 8 in time to spend the last few minutes of her breakfast with her. After breakfast, we met with the therapist to practice a bit with navigating the entry way to our home and with transferring her to Jessica's car and out again. I got my training and practice to give Lynne her blood thinner injection. I learned that Jessica wants to give the injection, so my whining and plea for a reprieve from that duty paid off.

At Costco yesterday, they had a display setup for dipped apples with a variety of different coatings. I had to chuckle because about 7 or 8 ladies stood before the large glass counter with the "look". You know the one that appears when chocolate is in sight. Just two isles over another sample table for sugar-free chocolate was present but accompanied by the loneliest looking vendor I have ever seen at a Costco sampling table. I opted for the apples. Lynne called me later in the afternoon and requested delivery of the cherry dipped, so we had a little celebration this morning.

We were on hospital time waiting for discharge papers all morning and into the early afternoon hours. When lunchtime arrived, a nurse stuck her head into the room asking Lynne if she wanted lunch. She replied quickly, "No, Darryl is taking me out." I convinced her to eat something just to hold her over until we did get home.


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Friday, July 30, 2010

30 Jul 2010

Lynne is starting to show some excitement to go home tomorrow. Jessica and I worked with the therapists today to refresh our memories and show us new techniques for assisting Lynne at home. They even observed as I gave Lynne a shower. That part I passed with honors.

I may be shopping for a new vehicle as Lynne was unable to get into the Denali due to the height so we will use Jessica's car tomorrow. I had a surprise phone call from the nurse this afternoon stating that tomorrow they will teach me to inject her blood thinner. I propose to have Jessica stand behind me so she can catch me when I pass out.

During the speech therapy session, the speech therapist showed Lynne a variety of pictures to test and remind her recall about the object names. One picture was of a girl in an dress that resembled something from the "Sound of Music." The expected answer was "girl" but Lynne replied "Betty Crocker." The girl's dress certainly looked like an apron was adorned. We all chuckled, Lynne included, and I assured the therapist that given Lynne's love of cooking the answer was quite appropriate.

At lunch, I noticed some of the residents were not present and noticed several new faces. I attended nearly every lunch and dinner so my noticing the changing faces is not surprise but I assure you that even the unfamiliar could pick out the new residents because each of them ordered the vegetable lasagna. The experienced residents only make that mistake once.

Gigi, our cat, is definitely more attached to Lynne than the rest of the family and Gigi's behavior over the last two plus weeks provides solid evidence of that fact. This morning Gigi was warming up to me and I took a picture and immediately knew what she was really thinking.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

29 Jul 2010

I noticed a step improvement during Lynne's speech therapy session today. She easily identified pictures of objects from groups upon hearing the word. She also easily repeated words when spoken by the therapist. She is struggling a bit following commands.

The afternoon storm synonymous with the Arizona Monsoon rolled in a little earlier than those earlier in the week. The sky darkened at 3 pm accompanied by stiff winds. No rain fell at my location but appears to have managed some at our home in Queen Creek. So little rain falls in Arizona that we tend to get a little giddy with excitement at the possibility.

Jessica and I spotted a photo opportunity earlier in the week. The photograph is impressive so you can imagine what the scene looked like in person.


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

28 Jul 2010

Lynne had an extra hour of physical therapy added today for a total of six hours. I don't every remember her wanting to get to bed so desperately to get some rest. I hope she isn't get the surprise bug that started with Joshua on Sunday, me on Monday, and Jessica on Tuesday. We were all together over the weekend. That is the last thing she needs right now.

I did get to meet with a speech therapist for the first time today at this facility. She is encouraged by Lynne's progress. The therapist believes Lynne understands most of what she hears and recognizes objects that she sees but the connections between the brain and nerves are struggling to control the mouth. (I actually have observed this in many people but they do not have the excuse that Lynne has.) I am encouraged with the progress and understand that the recovery may be somewhat lengthy. The therapist mentioned that her mother was also diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Her mother passed away from a combination of issues but did do very well for a time.

The therapists scheduled a two hour rehab refresher course for amateurs that Jessica and me attend on Friday. We do pretty well from our on-the-job training over the last three years but I am always interested to see and hear the tips that the experts have up their sleeves. The whole process is actually quite fascinating. I am impressed by the human body's ability to adjust to challenges such as what Lynne is experiencing.

Lynne is still on track for a Saturday release. She hasn't said yet, but I can only imagine how she looks forward to the comforts of home and familiar surroundings. I know that our pets, Hendrick, Simba, and Gigi, will be glad to have Lynne home. They have not been the slightest bit pleased with Lynne's absence as you can imagine from this photograph of Hendrick.


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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27 Jul 2010

I am glad to be feeling much better today so I can visit Lynne again. Today, I brought Lynne one of her favorite treats, a McDonald's Carmel Frappe. Luckily, the center has a refrigerator as she still had about two hours of therapy remaining after I arrived. After a couple of slurps from the straw, I asked her if it was good. She said, "fantastilicious." I don't think that is a word but I was pretty happy to hear five syllables uttered to perfection. I think that is just fantastilicious.

Lynne walked 250 feet today with light contact for safety purposes then she used her feet to move her wheelchair 150 feet. I spoke with the rehabilitation doctor and he is targeting a Saturday release date. After release, she will have home therapy and when she improves a bit more probably some out-patient therapy.

She did have a total of five hours of therapy today. She took a very short nap this afternoon, so she should sleep pretty good tonight.

I bring her the cards you send each day. Each usually elicits an "ahh...." from her. We do appreciate the cards and comments you leave on the blog and Facebook.


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Monday, July 26, 2010

26 Jul 2010

I visited Lynne yesterday. The fall she took Saturday evening did not leave any bruising but she is still pretty sore. Billy and Heather shared lunch with us yesterday afternoon. The ribs were yummy and the macaroni and cheese filled a week-long craving for me. The lemon bars - well it goes without saying. I will not be visiting the hospital today because I woke up at 2am with a bug of some sort that is making me feel sub par and I don't want to risk spreading it around. After 8 hours or so, I am beginning to feel a little better so I hope tomorrow is much better. Joshua and Jessica are picking up the slack for me. I appreciate both of my children and the maturity they show when caring for an ill parent.

We continue to appreciate the cards, thoughts, and prayers. I am limiting Lynne's visits at this time because a lot of activity is overwhelming to her. This surgery has limited Lynne to focusing on one task or thought at a time. Her brain has to work much harder on tasks that the rest of us do without even giving a second thought.

Lynne has not lost her sense of humor nor her beautiful smile. Humor is a big part of daily routine. I am thankful because the humor diverts our thoughts even if only for a moment.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

24 Jul 2010

Lynne tried to stand up unattended and took a fall this evening. She hit her left cheek and ear. Following a preliminary examination, she appears to be OK but a CT scan was completed to determine if any internal injury occurred. The CT scan showed only changes associated with the brain surgery. Her cheek is swollen, so I expect a noticeable reminder tomorrow to always ask for assistance.


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24 Jul 2010

The therapists are pleased with Lynne's progress in the occupational and physical areas. Enough so that Lynne might be released early next week instead of the original three weeks that was planned. Lynne's speech has not shown much improvement. After release from the acute rehabilitation, she will work with an out-patient center for all three therapy areas.

I made Lynne lunch and brought it up for her today. She likes my green chile cheese enchiladas. I also made spanish rice using some enhancements suggested by our friend Maxine. After eating hospital food for a couple of weeks, I suddenly turned into master chef in Lynne's eyes. She enjoyed the meal and I enjoyed making it for her. She was a little disturbed that I moved the cheesecake, delivered by the hospital, away for her to eat lunch first. Terry, Leslie, Mack, and Jessica also ate the meal with us in the family room of the rehabilitation center.

She is sleeping soundly at the moment. Her days are filled with breakfast, therapy, and lunch beginning at 7am and ending at 1 pm. For the last two days, the therapists added one additional session following lunch. Needless to say, she deserves a long nap each afternoon. Sometimes I wish I could sleep when the sun is out but that is a rare occurrence for me. Luckily, I sleep like a log at night.


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

21 Jul 2010

Lynne moved to the rehabilitation facility yesterday afternoon. She was all smiles and didn't want any grass growing under her feet. Once the order was given, we packed the room and she was onto the ambulance for transport within ten minutes. The Rhodes rehabilitation center moved to a new location since Lynne's last visit but there are still some familiar faces.

Lynne faces a massive task to recover some self-sufficiency and to restore her ability to communicate effectively. I believe the size of the mountain became more clearly visible for both of us today. I sense she is overwhelmed with what she knows lies ahead. At this time, we do not know an estimated length of stay, we will know more after a few more days of therapy. Today, she completed three hours of therapy. One hour each of speech, occupational, and physical. All sessions were back-to-back then lunch, so she was exhausted and ready for nap.

This evening is pretty emotional for Lynne. She is unable to express the source and I am withholding the tendency to fill in the blanks for her but given the turmoil of the last week, I suspect a combination of many thoughts swirl in her mind. I pray that inner peace prevails, while she tackles the mountain one step at a time.

We do appreciate your continued prayers, thoughts, and comments.


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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

20 Jul 2010

Lynne had another good night. She awoke this morning early and wanted to get cleaned up a bit. She enjoyed a cinnamon roll, banana, and yogurt for breakfast. The cinnamon roll was the first item selected from the breakfast menu. She has not lost her affinity for sweets. Two slices of cheesecake are also her first request at lunch and dinner. I think asking for two slices is out of the box thinking on the part of the hospital staff because only one slice shows up.

The surgeon visited this morning and stated that much of the enhancement was de-bulked during surgery. Due to the location of the surgery, he is not hopeful for much improvement in the right arm and leg deficit but he is hopeful for improved speech. She did manage to say "get me outta here" this morning. She is ready to move to rehab and get to work. She is quite the trooper as she had demonstrated over and over. Her nurse Ashley located a wheelchair, so I was able to get her out of the room for a while to see the views from the 6th floor. She is not fond of enclosed spaces, so the brief excursion lifted her spirits. Didn't take too long before the sandman returned for a visit.


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Monday, July 19, 2010

19 Jul 2010

I don't have much in the way of news today, which is probably good news in it's own way. Lynne is holding steady. She has not moved to the rehab facility yet but progress is being made in that direction. Maybe tomorrow.


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Sunday, July 18, 2010

18 Jul 2010

Lynne's sister stayed with Lynne last night and reported she had a very good night. I arrived at about 9 this morning. The emotions and frustration still run high for her due to the deficiencies in her right arm and leg and the inability to express her thoughts and concerns. She did manage to say, "you should throw me out." I assured her that wish would not come true because of the promise I made to her many years ago. For those that know Lynne well, you understand a comment like that is very out of character. It displays the level of frustration bottled up inside. She is having some seizures in her right arm that causes discomfort, so we will mention that to the doctor the next time he checks in.

Value every day that you have with those you love and care about. The rest is all fluff.


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Saturday, July 17, 2010

17 Jul 2010

Lynne had another good night. She is gaining some flexibility in her right leg. The staff is starting to discuss rehabilitation facilities, so I expect she be transferring to a facility within the next few days with Monday as the highest probability at the moment. She is scheduled for physical and speech therapy later in the day. She is still frustrated and emotional due to the inability to express her thoughts effectively. She has times when she speaks full sentences, so I suspect much of the problem is due to edema, which will subside with time.

Thank you all for your comments, thoughts, and prayers. We ask that you continue.


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Friday, July 16, 2010

16 Jul 2010

Lynne had a good night. She is still awaiting an MRI due to computer issues that generated a backlog for patients scheduled for routine scans. Lynne is able to communicate much better starting last evening, especially when the pain medication effects subside. Lynne is expecting a room change sometime during the day. As is always the case, the nurses say caring for Lynne is a pleasure due to her kind spirit. Lynne rarely fails to say "thank you" for even the simplest of requests.


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Thursday, July 15, 2010

15 Jul 2010

An ultrasound revealed that Lynne developed blood clots in her right leg following her brain surgery yesterday. The doctors are reluctant to administer blood thinners opting instead for an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter. The filter prevents the clots from moving to her heart, lungs, or brain. The procedure just ended and Carmen, her nurse for tonight, just left to return Lynne to her room. She is still expecting an MRI this evening as well. Hospitals are no good for resting. I just made made my makeshift bed and looking for at least a little rest.


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Location:W Earll Dr,Phoenix,United States

15 Jul 2010

Lynne was sitting in a chair when I arrived this morning. She is having extreme difficulty verbalizing her thoughts and struggling to assemble full sentences. Imagine the frustration that causes for her. I am reassuring her that this will take a little time. The physical, occupational, and speech therapists will begin working with her today. She is also scheduled for a follow-up MRI this evening.


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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

14 Jul 2010

Lynne was still under sedation when I was allowed to see her. She looks great and able to respond but had to work hard due to the sedation so we decided to leave for the evening to allow her some time to rest.


14 Jul 2010

Lynne is out of surgery and in recovery. She is being moved to ICU shortly. I can't wait to see her. The surgery lasted much longer than planned but the surgeons assured me that was not due to complications. The assisting resident did state that Lynne moved her right arm and leg, which is very good news at this point. Thank you Father.

I plan to post one additional update later today.


14 Jul 2010

Lynne was taken to surgery on schedule this morning. The surgeon shared the results of the MRI taken on Monday. The tumor has invaded the motor strip, which increases the risk associated with the surgical outcome. Lynne was offered the option of an aggressive or non-aggressive surgery. The risk of the aggressive option is paralysis on her right side. The benefit is longer life expectation. The reverse is true for the non-aggressive option. Lynne and I prefer and agreed to pursue the aggressive option. With the aggressive option, the need for rehabilitation is a near certainty. We will know more after the surgery and much more within the next couple of days.

We appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 Jul 2010

The Barrow Neurological Institute tumor board recommends another brain surgery followed by additional chemotherapy. Lynne is anxious but prepared to undergo her third brain surgery, the fourth when including the Gamma Knife treatment. She is scheduled for pre-operative work on 12 Jul 2010. The pre-operative work includes a functional MRI, blood work, and an appointment with the surgeon. The functional MRI maps brain function to provide a guide to the team during the surgery. On 14 Jul 2010, she starts admission and pre-operative procedures at 6:30 with the surgery scheduled for 8:30 in the morning.

As always, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
