Wednesday, July 21, 2010

21 Jul 2010

Lynne moved to the rehabilitation facility yesterday afternoon. She was all smiles and didn't want any grass growing under her feet. Once the order was given, we packed the room and she was onto the ambulance for transport within ten minutes. The Rhodes rehabilitation center moved to a new location since Lynne's last visit but there are still some familiar faces.

Lynne faces a massive task to recover some self-sufficiency and to restore her ability to communicate effectively. I believe the size of the mountain became more clearly visible for both of us today. I sense she is overwhelmed with what she knows lies ahead. At this time, we do not know an estimated length of stay, we will know more after a few more days of therapy. Today, she completed three hours of therapy. One hour each of speech, occupational, and physical. All sessions were back-to-back then lunch, so she was exhausted and ready for nap.

This evening is pretty emotional for Lynne. She is unable to express the source and I am withholding the tendency to fill in the blanks for her but given the turmoil of the last week, I suspect a combination of many thoughts swirl in her mind. I pray that inner peace prevails, while she tackles the mountain one step at a time.

We do appreciate your continued prayers, thoughts, and comments.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


4mckeekids said...

Hey Darryl,

Your wonderful wife could have no greater gift than to hear the prayers of her husband.

I wish that she could hear our prayers for her, too. Just know that we do pray for both of you!

Lynn and Kathrese McKee

Anonymous said...

We are here for you BOTH dear brother.
Will hopefully talk with you soon.
Steve and Joyce