Wednesday, July 14, 2010

14 Jul 2010

Lynne was still under sedation when I was allowed to see her. She looks great and able to respond but had to work hard due to the sedation so we decided to leave for the evening to allow her some time to rest.



Anonymous said...

Good morning, Darryl (and family)
I am surely keeping you all in my prayers to God --- when you are able to, will you give Lynne a kiss on her cheek for me and tell her I love her?

Hugs to you, Josh, and Jessica, too and of course to each of Lynne's family.

Thanks again for your faithfulness to update us all.

Love you,

Dewayne said...

Our prayers and thoughts are with you Darrel. It's hard for us to realize the pain and suffering you guys are going through. Linda and I hope to see you and Lynn in Oct. Uncle Dewayne