Saturday, March 24, 2007

March 24, 2007

Lynne's blood levels lowered to a level that allowed her to leave the hospital. She was sure happy. She is walking better than ever and even walked out of the hospital to the parking garage. She was tired when she arrived at the truck but relished the moment. She walked to our bedroom this afternoon. After a short while, I walked in to check on her and she was filing her finger nails and looked up and smiled. She enjoyed a little time alone for the first time in several weeks. We are grateful for her progress. On Monday she will resume her radiation treatments.



Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Lynne! Glad to hear of the improvement. Prayers are being answered.

"Cousin" Linda

Anonymous said...

Dear Darryl,

:-) I am praising GOD to hear this news. May our Father continue to pour out His Spirit of love and peace upon you and Lynne.

Thanks again for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hello Folks! We continually pray for you all and are thankful for the reports on the blog. My girls have only met you once, but they daily pray for 'cousin Lynne'. Pray is an amazing tool, even for a 3 and 5 year old! May God bless you all and keep you comforted!

Nate, Tonya, Kalli, & Josie

Anonymous said...

Dear Darryl,

Thank you so much for allowing us to share in your days. I am happy to hear that Lynne is so courageous and that you are so supportive of her. You both are showing such a wonderful spirit of love for each other and trust in our Father in heaven. We love and miss you both and our prayers are with you.

Lisa, Steve and Faith Hilton