Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

Lynne's Dilantin level is steadily decreasing. Within the next day or two we hope the level reaches the therapeutic level and she is able to return home. I took Lynne on several walks around the hospital today and she is walking better than anytime since the surgery. She walked without assistance from me or her quad-cane.

The nursing staff purchased Lynne a beautiful blanket for her 4 hours in the hall-way bed. They thanked her for being understanding and her positive attitude. She has gained many friends within the nursing staff because of her constant "thank yous" to all of them. As I watch her through this ordeal, with her pleasant attitude, I am constantly reminded of Philippians 3:3 "...but in humility consider others better than yourselves." The rewards for such an attitude are discovered in the present and in the future.

The best to you.



Anonymous said...

Good morning, Darryl,
Yeaaaah!!! Great news to hear that Lynne's blood levels are improving & she's walking better! Please tell her that you two have put a smile on my face today with the news of her humility being rewarded by the nurses
(Lynne, you go girlfriend!!!)
My desk calendar today says:
There would be more sanity, greater peace of mind, a salvaging of human souls, if people were more kind.
Thank you both for shining Christ's light.
Loads o' Love,

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Darryl, for taking the time to keep everyone informed with this blog. It's one of the first things I read in the morning and one of the last I read in the evening. Lynne, you're a sweet lady and we're proud of the way you keep smiling. Both of you are in are prayers as are the kids and you parents. We love you!!!!!!!!

Cousin Joe and Linda

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear of Lynne's improvement. I am not surprised at the fact that she has made friends at the hospital. I have always thought she just brightened a room when she was in it. She is a loving, caring woman, with a beautiful warm and inviting smile that draws people to her I am sure.

Please give her my love and a big hug!

Cousin Karen