Thursday, November 4, 2010

3 Nov 2010

Over the last two days, Lynne has enjoyed some additional energy. Yesterday, Diana lit up Lynne's eyes at the suggestion of a carmel frappe from McDonalds - one of Lynne's favorite indulgences. At one point, Diana tried to remove the cup from Lynne's hand to warm the hands a bit but Lynne gave her the "stink eye." In other word, "Get your hands off my frappé."

The hospice staff moved Lynne outside for a bit this morning to enjoy a little fresh air and the warm sun. She enjoyed the cool air and the sound of the humming birds at a feeder nearby.

She is enjoying the visits from family and the many friends she has made over the years. She is especially attuned to the voices and seems to recognize many by voice before sight. Despite her condition, she has not lost her caring ways. Each hug is accompanied but the gentle pats on the back. On Monday, I was outside her room reading some cards sent to her. Some of the cards elicited some tears and she heard me, calling me into the room she wrapped her left arm around my back and began her comforting patting. Even in her condition, she musters the strength to console and comfort others.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Jacki said...

Yes she sure does have her strength in that arm.... I loved visiting you guys wish I could have stayed longer. Please do give Aunt Lynne hugs and kisses from me and baby luke. I miss you guys already. luv you all deeply.

Betty said...

That sounds like Lynne, always the strong one, being considerate of others first. Just one of the many reasons she is so special to everyone.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that I am so very happy to hear of all the love that surrounds Lynne and as always, Darryl, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the updates.
I know that many hearts are warmed by the sharing of what is most precious to you and yours.

May God continue His abundant and comforting love.

Sending my hugs to you all, especially my "purple" buddy.

With love,

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynne and Darryl,
It is hard to find words.
A few weeks ago, I was
remembering a church hymn called,
"Beautiful Isle of Somewhere."
I couldn't think of all the words,
but I remember the part that says,
"GOD Lives and All Is Well"
Praying for you all to have peace
and strength. Love, Sheila Simpson

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynne and Darryl,
It is hard to find words.
A few weeks ago, I was
remembering a church hymn called,
"Beautiful Isle of Somewhere."
I couldn't think of all the words,
but I remember the part that says,
"GOD Lives and All Is Well"
Praying for you all to have peace
and strength. Love, Sheila Simpson