Friday, November 5, 2010

5 Nov 2010

I decided to spent the night at the hospice house tonight. As the signs of Lynne's impending passing increase, I am reluctant or incapable of resting. The children and I were able to spend some quality time with Lynne this afternoon. I believe she heard our words because she provides some simple acknowledgements. I did notice that she is struggling to focus her vision to those that are speaking but I am consoled that she acknowledges in other ways.

Today, I made my way to a local funeral home to plan for Lynne's final desires. Lynne wants to donate her body for study and research, especially her brain to further the body of knowledge for combating Glioblastoma Multiforme. She mentioned in the past her desire to contribute to the education of future doctors and possibly to extend the life of someone else. Her caring spirit continues to amaze me. I appreciate her courage and hope to build enough courage myself to make a similar decision.

As I prepare to retire for the evening, I pass along a simple reminder - hug the ones you care about and tell them you love them. May God bless you all.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Unknown said...

And may God bless and comfort you knowing she will achieve her final rest in his arms.

Phil & Sue

Anonymous said...

Dear Darryl,
How very difficult that must be -- but how wonderful for her to be farseeing enough to think of the good that may be done for research, even in her death.

May God give you courage as you follow through with her wishes; and may He surround you and her other loved ones with a special measure of His comfort and peace in the days to come.

Our prayers continue for all of you, as ever.
-- Oleta and Joe

Dorisey said...

I Love you all , My heart hurts so much for the grief you are going through.. I wish there was something else I could do. Darryl , You were the first baby that I could love & hold other than my own &I'm hurting & crying because you are in such misery.I'm crying because we are losing Lynne& I'm hurting for the children , And al the ones there. I agree with you on "Hold every one you love & tell them you love them" Sister