Saturday, February 6, 2010

6 Feb 2010

Lynne continues bi-weekly chemotherapy treatments. The side-effects are extreme fatigue, mouth blisters, headaches, and a laundry list of others. She also receives a Neulasta injection after each treatment to boost the white count levels. The Neulasta is effective but causes aching to the bones.

The doctor did commend her for continued positive attitude and gives much credit to her attitude and support system for the length of her survival. After many years in the business, he has seen those without those traits live much shorter lives. We are very thankful for those who encourage her regularly. According to the doctor, your encouragement contributes to her success in this fight.

The doctor stated that he added Lynne to his miracle list as most patients with glioblastoma live only 3 months without treatment and 9 to 15 months with optimal treatment. On February 1, 2010, Lynne celebrated three years of survival following the diagnosis and first brain surgery, which places her in a group of only 10% surviving up to five years.

She will have an MRI in March to determine the effectives of the treatments. As long as the treatments are effective, the doctor plans to continue the treatments.



Teresa Campbell said...

Please tell Lynne we love her and we are praying for her. She is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Daryl: Just letting JoLynn we are constantly thinking about her and she is always in our prayers.

Jim & Eva

Anonymous said...

aaaaah, not to mention the LOVE and SUPPORT of her FAITHFUL,
WONDERFUL husband!!!!!!!

Thanking God for you and your updates, dear brother.

I love you (even tho Yanni makes you yawney) haha

Lord willing, I'll be able to visit in the Spring --- 'til then,
your CT sis