Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 Oct 2009

Lynne is undergoing her second round of chemotherapy today. Her white count was at the low end of the normal range so tommorrow she is scheduled for a Neulasta shot to boost the white counte. She is more tired than normal but still doing fairly well under the circumstances. Her mobility and stability are compromised since discontinuing the steroid but we hope physical therapy will help that condition. We will cover this during her next neurologist appointment as well to seek additional options.

Darryl Pendergrass
Motorola Q9h Global - FlexMail


your CT sis said...

Hello and thanks brother,
Please tell Lynne that she is indeed in our prayers, even as I type --- Steve is in FL this week, but just called, so I read your update to him as well. You are so very much loved and I pray you both can rest well this evening.
Hug Jes for us and tell her that we can't wait to see her :-)
Love and Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hello Darryl: Tell Jo Lynne she is constantly in our prayers and thoughts.

Love; Jim & Eva