Monday, July 26, 2010

26 Jul 2010

I visited Lynne yesterday. The fall she took Saturday evening did not leave any bruising but she is still pretty sore. Billy and Heather shared lunch with us yesterday afternoon. The ribs were yummy and the macaroni and cheese filled a week-long craving for me. The lemon bars - well it goes without saying. I will not be visiting the hospital today because I woke up at 2am with a bug of some sort that is making me feel sub par and I don't want to risk spreading it around. After 8 hours or so, I am beginning to feel a little better so I hope tomorrow is much better. Joshua and Jessica are picking up the slack for me. I appreciate both of my children and the maturity they show when caring for an ill parent.

We continue to appreciate the cards, thoughts, and prayers. I am limiting Lynne's visits at this time because a lot of activity is overwhelming to her. This surgery has limited Lynne to focusing on one task or thought at a time. Her brain has to work much harder on tasks that the rest of us do without even giving a second thought.

Lynne has not lost her sense of humor nor her beautiful smile. Humor is a big part of daily routine. I am thankful because the humor diverts our thoughts even if only for a moment.



Anonymous said...

I LOVED todays blog, Darryl - Thanks again for allowing us to share in your lives.

Continue to live each day to the fullest enjoying one another as you do.

The Pendergrass family light shines in a world where family values diminish.

I praise God for the love and laughter that lifts you up.


Unknown said...

Anita has been keeping me updated as I don't get on FB very often. I am now going back to the beginning and reading your updates. You are one strong individual. Thank you for keeping your family together during this time and remember that all of you are loved dearly. As always each of you are in my prayers.